Experience Erskine

Finishing up Athenian Rush week and heading into Presidential Scholarship weekend, life seemed to be flying by pretty quickly. Racing from one class to the next and completing one assignment after another, I couldn’t wait for some free time over the weekend. However, this time of relaxation came much sooner than I expected as the student I was hosting went with me to Java City for a smoothie early Friday evening.

Upon entering the the student center, we encountered one of my friends as well as another prospective student playing guitar in the sitting area. After ordering, we joined the two and began to sing along jokingly for entertainment. Who knew that this would catch on and we would be joined by several others who enjoyed the guys’ entertainment in the coffee house atmosphere? We ended up spending over two hours listening to them play and singing along.

Bobby Kyle and Gabe playing in Java City

Bobby Kyle and Gabe playing in Java City

Soon after, we made the classic college trip to IHOP for midnight pancakes and fellowship. After one of our friends leaned against the emergency door and set the alarms in the restaurant off, I realized it was officially the end of a crazy week. I greatly enjoyed meeting with these new prospective students and discussing with them the highlights of Erskine that aren’t often shown in a pamphlet. College life and the uniqueness of this college are unlike anything you have ever experienced before and, it takes more than facts and statistics to understand it. Erskine cannot be explained, it must be experienced.